Canadian Institute of Sufi Studies
About Us
We welcome all seekers on the path from the full mosaic of humanity.
"Come, Come whoever you are!
Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving.
It doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times.
Come, yet again , come , come.”
-Jalaluddin Rumi-
Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving.
It doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times.
Come, yet again , come , come.”
-Jalaluddin Rumi-
Murat Baba
Our Teacher: Murat Coskun
Murat Baba was taught on this path by Cemil Aksoy (d. 2018), may God preserve his secret, who learned this path at the feet of his grandfather, the great shaykh of the 20th century, Kenan Rifai.
We trace this path from Kenan Rifai through the years to our Pir, Ahmed er-Rifai, through to our beloved light of guidance, Muhammad, God bless him, to the Angel Gabriel, who brought this teaching from the Divine Source of all knowledge, God.
Cemil Baba and Murat Baba
More about our order
This documentary will tell you more about Murat Baba and our order in its earlier days.
Sohbets (talks)
Sufism is Love of God
by Murat Baba
The remembrance of Allah
Nuit Blanche 2017, Aga Khan Museum
Meshk = practice.
In Rifai Sufi Order case, it is the sacred music practice we gather for regularly. While it is not zikr -- the practice of remembrance of God -- the songs and repetitive chants of esma (names of God) includes elements of zikr. Meshk is often what we offer for public events.
Sufi music of worship
Derman Arardım Derdime
Güfte: Niyâzi-i Mısrî
Beste: Meçhul
Beste: Meçhul
1. Dermân arardım derdime
Derdim bana dermân imiş
{Bürhân sorardım aslıma
Aslım bana bürhân imiş
– Hayy, Hayy } x2, –Hayy [chorus]
Hakk la illahe illallah, La illahe illallah } x2
2. Sağı solu gözler idim
Bir dost yüzü görsem deyü
{Ben taşrada arar iken
Ol cân içinde cân imiş
– Hayy, Hayy } x2, –Hayy [chorus]
3. Mürşid gerektir bildire
Hakkı sana hakkel yakin
{Mürşidi olmayanların
Bildikleri güman imiş
– Hayy, Hayy } x2, –Hayy [chorus]
4. İşit Niyâzi'nin sözün
Bir nesne örtmez Hakk yüzün,
{Hakk'dan ayân bir nesne yok
Gözsüzlere pinhân imiş
– Hayy, Hayy } x2, –Hayy [chorus]
Seeking to quench this painful burning
English rendition of Derman Arardım Derdime: CISS/Rifai Sufi Order
1. Seeking to quench this painful burning
I found the cure was my yearning.
I tried to prove why I am here
But my existence made it clear
– Hayy, Hayy } x2, –Hayy [chorus]
Hakk la illahe illallah, La illahe illallah } x2
2. Hopelessly searching my life was spent
Trying to glimpse the face of my Friend.
Searching abroad was wrong from the start
The Friend's within the heart of my heart.
– Hayy, Hayy } x2, –Hayy [chorus]
3. Only through a Murshid can you know
The realm of Truth, with body mind and soul.
Those without a Murshid are doomed
All of their knowledge is merely assumed.
– Hayy, Hayy } x2, –Hayy [chorus]
4. Hear what Niyazi has revealed
The face of Al-Hakk can't be concealed.
There's only Truth, go ask the wise.
But to the blind, this is hidden from their eyes.
– Hayy, Hayy } x2, –Hayy [chorus]
Taştı Rahmet Deryâsı
Güfte: Yunus Emre
Beste: Sheikh Hasan Burhâneddin Chiangîrî
Beste: Sheikh Hasan Burhâneddin Chiangîrî
1. Taştı rahmet deryâsı -- Hu Allah
Gark oldu cümle âsi -- Hu Allah
Dört kitabın manâsı -- Hu Allah
La ilahe illallah -- Hu Allah [x2]
2. Buduresmanınhası--HuAllah
Siler kalbinden pası -- Hu Allah
İsmi â'zam duası -- Hu Allah
La ilahe illallah --HuAllah [x2]
3. Erenlerin kılıcı -- Hu Allah
Arşa çıkar bir ucu -- Hu Allah
Gece gündüz kesici -- Hu Allah
La ilahe illallah --HuAllah[x2]
Mercy’s Ocean Overflows
English rendition of Taştı Rahmet:
CISS/Rifai Sufi Order
CISS/Rifai Sufi Order
1. Mercy’s ocean over flows–Hu Allah
Against this Truth, falseness drowns – Hu Allah
In these four books, knowledge abounds – Hu Allah
La ilahe illallah – Hu Allah [x2]
2. From this phrase, may lips never part – Hu Allah
Clears the rust and stain from our hearts – Hu Allah
Veiled in plain sight; greatest of Esma – Hu Allah
La ilahe illallah – Hu Allah [x2]
3. Tawhid is the keenest of blades – Hu Allah
Throw your self upon its length – Hu Allah
Its edge stays sharp all night and day – Hu Allah
La ilahe illallah – Hu Allah [x2]
İstediğim Hakk'dır Benim
Güfte: Muhubbî hz.
Beste: Sebilci Hüseyin Efendi
Beste: Sebilci Hüseyin Efendi
1. Gece gündüz döne döne
İstediğim Hakk'dır benim
Allah deyip yana yana
İstediğim Hakk'dır benim [chorus: esma]
2. Koryanayım külolayım
Taşkın akan sel olayım
Çiğneneyim yol olayım
İstediğim Hakk'dır benim [chorus: esma]
3. Seyyid Nizamoğlu yürü
Bula gör kendinde yâri
İnleyü ben zari zari
İstediğim Hakk'dır benim [chorus: esma]
The Truth, al Haqq, My Only Want
English rendition of İstediğim Hakk'dır Benim: CISS/Rifai Sufi Order
1. I turn between the day and night
The Truth, al-Haqq; my only want
“Allah” I cry, as I burn up
The Truth, al-Haqq; my only want [chorus: esma]
2. I burn down to ashes and dust
My overflow becomes a flood
Polish me down*. Place me on_the path
The Truth, al-Haqq; my only want [chorus: esma]
3. Seyyid Nizamoğlu go on
With tears and cries, never give up
Find in yourself the source of love
The Truth, al-Haqq; my only want [chorus: esma]
*Original translation has poet wishing to be reduced to the sand/debris with which paths are made of i.e. Let me get crushed to make a path.